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Best and Worst Time To Paint Your House in Columbus, Ohio

The best time to paint your house’s exterior is from May through September and the worst time is from December through March.

The best time to paint a house’s interior is between November and June, while the worst time is during the summer season.

Residential painting services in Columbus, Ohio tend to cost more during the high seasons due to high demand, a cost less during the low season.

When is The Best Time To Paint Your Exterior House in Columbus, Ohio?

The best time to paint your exterior house in Columbus, Ohio is from May to September as the weather is warmer, humidity is low, and the ambient temperature is consistent. Other times of the year such as late spring and early fall are also ideal times to paint your house exterior.

It’s best to paint the exterior of your home when the temperature is between 50°F (10°C) to 80°F (26,6°C). However, the cost of painting your house exterior during the warm summer months is higher than at other times of the year due to high demand.

When Is The Worst Time To Paint Your Exterior House In Columbus, Ohio?

The worst time to paint your exterior house in Columbus, Ohio is during the cold winter months from December to March when the ambient temperature falls below 40°F (4.4°C) and the humidity is high.

The month of January is considered the worst time to paint your exterior house because this is the coldest month of the year with ambient temperatures dropping as low as 24°F (-4°C).

Avoid painting in cold and humid conditions because the paint takes longer to dry, which can lead to finish cracks, blisters, or paint peeling off. Also, avoid painting during high temperatures (especially during July) as the paint can dry too fast and peel off later.

When Is The Best Time To Paint Your Interior House In Columbus, Ohio?

The best time to paint your interior house in Columbus, Ohio is during the cool months from late fall in November to the start of the winter season in December. This is because the cool temperatures and dry air during this period allow paint to dry faster indoors.

The Spring season from March through to June is also ideal for interior painting in Columbus, Ohio. Also, the winter season is an off period for painting companies, so the price to paint the house’s interior is lower.

When Is The Worst Time To Paint Your Interior House In Columbus, Ohio?

The worst time to paint your interior house in Columbus, Ohio is the summer season. This is because humidity is high during this period due to the heat, and painting in humid conditions can slow down the drying process and cause your paint to dry unevenly, leading to streaks and uneven color on your walls.

You should avoid painting your interior home when the temperature is above 80°F (26°C), especially in July because the heat will trap moisture under the paint, causing it to remain moist for days which is bad for an indoor environment.

How Much Time Does It Take To Paint a House Exterior?

It takes between 4-7 days to paint a house’s exterior, on average. However, the time it takes to paint a house depends on the house size, the contracted painting company, ambient temperature, and the owner’s requirements.

How Much Time Does It Take To Paint a House Interior?

It takes between 1-3 days to paint a house’s interior. However, the exact time it takes to paint the interior depends on the room size and number, the contracted painting company, and the owner’s requirements.

What Locations Do You Offer Painting Services?

CHRIS-PAINTING LLC offers painting services in the following locations.

  1. Orient, Ohio.
  2. Westerville, Ohio.
  3. Dublin, Ohio.
  4. Pickerington, Ohio.